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I have learned the importance of wellness, by having been unwell myself, but also suffering from others who are unwell. Be it mentally, emotionally, or operating dysfunctionally. And now, in living through a pandemic and physical sickness swirling around us - we have been hit with a wake up call that wellness is ever more critical to nurture so we can all start living again.

The world is becoming an unwell, toxic place of imbalance in which there is more take than give. More resistance than cooperation. More retaliation than accountability. More revenge than forgiveness. More fears than peace. More anxieties than calm. More hate than love.

The fears, the anxieties, the panic overtakes in a wave of negative energy that weighs heavy upon souls that results in treating others rudely, disrespectfully, judgmentally, and condescendingly.

Our individual soul wellness is essential to the world's wellness in combating such sickness.

The more we are in balance and in an inner place of wellness, we can then create our outer world to reflect such inner wellness. The happier and at peace we are within, we can then spread our happiness and peace out to others without doing anything more than simply being. Being ourselves in a state of wellness - truly and authentically.

Although just being in such a place of wellness is enough to emanate positive, uplifting vibes - when a person is well, you are filled with an abundance of energy to go forth and actively create something of benefit to others, perhaps even something impactful for the world.

When we are well, we then understand how good it feels. It will then only come natural to want others to be well so they too can feel and be good.

In contrast, when we are feeling down or in a low state of mind, say someone has just offended us. What is the initial reaction? "Screw so and so!" It riles up anger, revenge, and spite to then spew it outwardly towards that person, but more seriously, out into the world. We don't wish that person well in that moment, we want them to suffer as we perceive they are making us suffer.

But the suffering is truly from our own source - from within, in the way we welled up with a negative emotion and chose in that split second to effortlessly let it take the reins in wishing ill upon a person we see as our pain and misery. Rather than recognizing we are the ones riling ourselves up in the negative emotion that is of our own pain and misery.

To be in a place of wellness is a way of being that must be applied, implemented, and continually exercised to become who we just are that does not fluctuate despite the changing world around us. We are able to bob and weave through challenges or negativities that swirl around us, our wellness being our sturdy foundation for weathering the storms, rather than getting sucked up into them and swept away in the negative turmoil.

Wellness is being in a state of mind that is able to process negativity in a way that releases it back out in positivity. Transmuting the chaos, pain, misery, and negativity into calm, grace, forgiveness, and healing with love that chooses to understand enough to let the offense go. No fighting, no retaliating, no revenge sought.

Just pure release that retains one's inner peace, contentment, and state of wellness.

To understand sickness, is to gain the awareness of the need to nurture wellness.

May you work your way to a place of true inner wellness, for we can achieve world peace when we are one more soul at peace.

With LOVE. Always,


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