Thuy NguyenLOVE. LEAFLETS | To Those I Left HeartbrokenThank you for being my teacher in the kind of love you had to offer, for I now am finding it for myself - within myself.
Thuy NguyenLOVE. LEAFLETS | To My HeartbreakerMy dear Heartbreaker, I am so thankful that I have healed from the most painfully beautiful experience I have learned from you.
Thuy NguyenLOVE. LEAFLETS | Hateful OneI am thankful for your hatefulness has given me opportunities to choose love all while growing my own backbone to stand up for myself.
Thuy NguyenLOVE. LEAFLETS | To The NarcissistI am thankful to you because you showed me my imbalances and all the ways I was not loving myself.