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SOUL GROWTH | Jealousy

Jealousy is such an ugly trait and damaging to any relationship - whether it is of a friendship, romantic relationship, or working and business partnerships. It will choke out the roots for any healthy relationship to blossom that must have a supportive foundation in order to thrive.

Jealousy will only break down, rather than build up.

Jealousy will be the cause that stirs a person to tear down, talk down, or compete against the gains or successes of others. But even worse, in not being loving to oneself - operating in a jealous mindset will weigh your own spirit down in feeling like you're not good enough, staying stuck in an endless cycle of comparison that is driven by jealousy.

Jealousy breeds discontentment as one who is in such a state is looking at another for what they want, what they don't have, or what they don't believe they can ever attain for oneself.

Discontent and green with envy.



There's those friendships where one might say, "Ugh, I'm so jealous of you" as a form of twisted flattery to force out a compliment. Having such an envious approach doesn't create a healthy place for relationships to build on a foundation of true respect, admiration, and adulation for one another - honoring and rooting for their successes.

It stifles one another's ability to celebrate, elevate, and uplift when one has achieved an accomplishment, gained substantial personal growth, or reached their goals of success that should freely be shouted with joy with others - with their friends. Instead, the excitement and joy is usually subdued or avoided altogether so as to not provoke any jealousy. This is not healthy.

It can be difficult to celebrate a friend's success when you may not feel you have your own yet. It can make you feel in a place of lack, perhaps behind in your own achievements, unfulfilled in your stage of growth, or worthless in comparison.

This is where such feelings will make you aware of the inner work you need to do to elevate your own self-esteem, so as to not harm that of your friend's in not having the ability to jump for joy alongside her. Jealousy is the insecurity of not feeling enough or whole within. This inner self-work is vital to the foundation of a friendship, so you don't have to tear down your friend just to feel any better or enough within yourself. Recognize that any such jealousy that resides within you can affect the way you are able to be a genuine, supportive friend in return.

By being envious of another to then look inwards at one’s own lack, it can become a self-centered way of being too focused on oneself so much to the point of missing the opportunity to share in someone else's joy and celebrate it on the outwards. But this is not just someone else - it's someone you embrace as a friend.

A healthy friendship should be a true supporter of the other - not warring against them as a competitor. Their success is likely not even what you would personally want for yourself. Find and do what your success is for you - and reach it so you and your friend can jump for joy in it!

The impact of sincere joy is to be able to share it and shout it with those truly supportive of one another.



A jealous nature only stirs up undue strife that can drive a partner away in creating this relationship that is on edge as jealousy stirs up usually unwarranted issues with trust, control, and accusations that results in anxieties, discontentment, and much unhappiness.

When both partners are not each at ease to feel secure in the relationship due to the sabotaging nature of jealousy, it can create a toxic relationship in which partners are focused on quelling any jealousies, instead of being in the relationship to enjoy it and grow in bonding.

The benefit where jealousy can work on behalf of a healthy relationship is when moved to closely guard your loved one should there be a need to step up and protect the relationship. But when such jealousy rules the relationship, it can create an air of possessiveness that fosters the need to control the other. This is not healthy.

When both in the relationship feel secure and know that the other is not a possession to jealously keep to oneself, both have the freedom to thrive without feeling threatened. There is no need to hold on to the relationship so tightly, only resulting in choking out the roots for both partners to be nurtured within it.

Knowing that being together is in the freedom of constantly and consistently choosing it.



Jealousy in the work environment creates a toxic environment of performing for self-serving gain or recognition that often puts others down to look more competent. It loses focus that all within a working group are essential for the function of the whole. Positions exist to be filled so that tasks can get done effectively in a delegated manner, each entrusted to perform.

There can be unnecessary power struggles in which those who vie to steer the ship as Captain are willing to risk the cost of sinking the entire ship.

Instead of allowing others to fulfill their role and reach their potential in excelling, it stifles one's personal advancement that would only be of benefit to the company or partnership.

Rather, when all contribute their gifts and skills of expertise to perform well within their designated position, all become elevated in contributing to a functional partnership - working at the success of the whole. All are seen in their contributions and thus feel valued, appreciated, and needed for their particular skills. In honoring one another's abilities, it often will propel the success of the business as each are motivated to put forth their energy to perform well, instead of wasting their energy competing against others.


The root source of jealousy comes from insecurities that a person has within.

When you are insecure - you are likely still unsure of yourself, comparing yourself to another or others, and needing to find fault or flaws with another to feel better about oneself.

On the other hand, when one is secure in self - you are no longer self-conscious of what you're lacking to be envious of what another person has - and are able to celebrate, honor, and uplift who they are, what they have, and have to offer. There is no reason for jealousy to erode away at someone else's gifts, because you are self-assured of your own.

One does not become any better or elevated in self-growth when striving to bring others down. All one is doing is trying to prevent another from getting ahead by pulling them back, preventing another from rising by dragging them down to one's lower level. No one is elevated.

May you become secure in self so as to not jealously tear down others - so we may all rise.

With LOVE. Always,




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