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When you are in pain, hurt, or offended by someone or something, you have a wound that needs healing. When someone touches or triggers the pain in your wound, the natural reaction is to lash back, and blame that person for the pain. You might even wish them the same pain so you're not alone in your hurting.

But for healing to take place, you must realize that it is you carrying the wound.

If you want the pain to stop, you must take the steps needed to treat and thus heal the wound to scar over. You will then understand that when a person pushes against your scar, it will no longer hurt and cause you to react in blaming that person for any pain. The scar makes you aware that the wound once existed and was excruciatingly painful when it was still bleeding, but it now shields you from lashing out needlessly to blame anyone for the pain you were experiencing.



We must go through the pain and process it in a way that we emerge having grown from it.

While we sit in that darkness, we sit with our vulnerable selves and face our weaknesses. This is actually really beautiful if we can see ourselves with love, to allow ourselves to feel like a little child again crouched in a corner as we coddle our pain. It gives us an opportunity to extend compassion towards ourselves so that we then learn the importance of extending it to others when they are going through something painful.

Healing any pain I had within has softened me for the better with my approach to life.

Knowing my own intense pain and inner struggles has given me understanding to choose to be gentle with myself and with others. After having been hurt, and time and time again, and still choosing to be open to loving with the risk that I may get hurt again, has taken faith and courage. But each time, it has opened me up to savor life a bit more and gain experience in healing my wounds so they don't fester over into my next experience.

True healing is made evident when we are no longer in a place of bitterness, resentments, or seeking ill will or revenge on the person or situation that is symbolic of our own pain within. Such recurring circumstances are opportunities to apply love in our response, rather than seeking blame or holding such resentments against another.

I think I could easily choose to be bitter over so many people, things, and situations - but all it would do would keep me bound in misery, only hurting myself from living in the freedom of forgiveness and lightness of love. I have warred with myself to choose to be joyful and positive, to honor my darkness for showing me the contrast of staying in my light.

May you too continually free yourself of the pains that once held you bound, by choosing forgiveness in your heart to be freed in its lightness of LOVE.

With LOVE. Always,


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