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LEAFLETS TO TÉA | First Day of School

My Dear Téa,

Just as we suspected, you were not the first to hop out of bed, pulling those sheets back up over your head.. that is, until mommy told you we needed to pick out a super cute outfit for your first day of school, and of course.. Up! and into the shower you moseyed and out to slip on your so on-trend Minecraft undies ( Yes. Yes, I did. ), oh-so pink princess tee, matching hoodie, and topped off with your oh-so-whimsical purple Nikes. Mommy gathered your tangled mess of a hair into a ponytail, and onto your shoulders your "corn-horsey" ( aka unicorn ) backpack to have you all set to go! Out the door to then be stopped with brother's sighting of a ladybug which was a great reminder to take a moment to stop and marvel at the beauty of life along the way. It was such a beautiful start to a beautiful day.

Two days ago, we took a tour of the school to meet your teacher in her classroom. You scanned the room and located the toys area right away. We then found your hook and cubby with your name to place your unicorn binder in it's home. You were an eager helper to unload your backpack of supplies and add in to the sorted piles. You looked around cautiously with every step, but you weren't as scared as I anticipated for my little five year old. We got a family photo in for your teacher before leaving to call the back to school night, a day. We asked if you felt ready for school, and you simply said yes. And I somehow knew it would be so.

So, our little family walked altogether to head to school. It was a quick kiss goodbye as you and brother were directed to either go to the playground or to breakfast. Thankfully, a teacher directing the students through the entrance took you and sister under her wing and said she would be with you both. You didn't even look back once you crossed the threshold into the new school year as a kindergartener. This was such a comfort to mommy that you were looked after as you both bravely stepped forward into your first day of school, and it was mommy and daddy who were a ball of nerves to see you off and out of our sight.

I almost brought myself to tears.. but I handled myself like a big girl and kept on walking home with my brave face on.

This is such a big deal for mommy, I've had my babies home with me for all these years in almost any endeavor I've undertaken, and I let go and am trusting that this change is for the better. I will admit it's quite a relief for mommy as I know school will offer and provide the things we cannot at home for you to advance in your education, socialization, and direction with resources as you both be your own little person. And.. my home will stay neat and tidy for just a couple of hours as I write this in the peace of it.

I am getting ready to strap baby sister into her stroller to go pick you up from school now. I can't wait to see my big girl and hear how your day went!

( Updated proud mommy moment: You got kudos from your teacher for keeping your hands and feet to yourself in the classroom. Great job baby! You drew a beautiful masterpiece of a humungous sun and rainbow to bring home... looks like a happy picture of what you were feeling inside! )

With LOVE. Always,

Your Twiggy Mother

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