My Dear Elias,
You were the first to wake up and greet daddy when he walked through the door after his graveyard shift at work today. The days just prior to leading up to mommy kissing you a soft goodbye and handing you off to the teacher to pass the threshold into the school year, you said you were feeling nervous, but excited. Daddy recognized that despite your nerves, you had a happy aura about you. I could feel it too. My boy, I kissed you the morning we arrived to school, and you seized the day to walk forward without hesitation. This gives me hope that despite any fears or nervousness you may face in life in starting anew, you will move forward and be ready for what lies ahead.

Two days ago, we toured the "airport" school as you described it with the skylights flooding the hallways with light like an encased terminal, and met your teacher Ms. Palmer in the classroom for the first time during the back to school night. You found your cubby bin with daddy and unloaded your backpack full of school supplies, which you later eagerly placed in the sorted piles. You picked a seat near your cubby and towards the front of the white projector board.. intuitively chosen. On the pale yellow sticky note you wrote "Elia2", forgetting for a moment how to write an "s" in your nervousness and then chuckling it off to correct it.. you'll be sitting next to Mario who had already come and gone to stake his seat. So here's to hoping Luigi and Princess Peach will be filling the other 2 seats at your table.
You got yourself showered, slipped on your new, so on-trend Minecraft undies.. ( yes, yes I did. I know, mommy is soooooo embarrassing these days.. ) and wore your new outfit mommy set out for you: a crisp white polo and jeans with your broken-in-just-a-day-ago black Adidas. You scarfed down your cheesy scrambled eggs daddy made for you, strapped your Lego backpack to your chest, and out the door you led us! To then stop in your tracks at the sighting of a wee-little 4-year old spotted ladybug. And of course, mommy looked up the spiritual meaning of a ladybug sighting, and it signifies divine prosperity from gratifying changes, mainly in the form of an abundance of love, happiness, wellness, balance, and maybe financially? ( that'd be a nice perk! ) in the watcher's life. And the ladybug stuck around right on that wall as we hovered to marvel over it, so I would say its signified blessings will be sticking around. That sounds wonderful and would be wholeheartedly welcomed after the year we just had with the adjustment of living where mommy works and all the challenges it brought that affected the peace of our home life. Thank you for getting through it with mommy and my bouts of frustration through the whole process.

So, our little family walked altogether to head to school. It was a quick kiss goodbye as you and sister were directed to either go to the playground or to breakfast. Thankfully, a teacher directing the students through the entrance took you and sister under her wing and said she would be with you both. This was such a comfort to mommy that you were looked after as you both bravely stepped forward into your first day of school, and it was mommy and daddy who were a ball of nerves to see you off and out of our sight.
I almost brought myself to tears.. but I handled myself like a big girl and kept on walking home with my brave face on.
This is such a big deal for mommy, I've had my babies home with me for all these years in almost any endeavor I've undertaken, and I let go and am trusting that this change is for the better. I will admit it's quite a relief for mommy as I know school will offer and provide the things we cannot at home for you to advance in your education, socialization, and direction with resources as you both be your own little person. And.. my home will stay neat and tidy for just a couple of hours as I write this in the peace of it.
I am getting ready to strap baby sister into her stroller to go pick you up from school now. I can't wait to see my big boy and hear how your day went!
( Updated proud mommy moment: You received two "kindness" stickers 1 ) Holding the door open for others - my little gentleman! and 2 ) Staying quiet when others were being noisy. Good job baby. )
With LOVE. Always,