It can be so easy to get lost in our relationships we are surrounded by.
We can become reliant on their company, dependent on their opinion and validation for what should be our own decisions to make, addicted to their noise so as to avoid the silence of sitting uncomfortably with ourselves.
We might even be unhealthily attached and codependent in which we don't have our own identity without the relationships we build our idea of ourselves around.
Every relationship serves a purpose, and we usually don't realize their role until they are either gone or still sticking around for the long haul.
The ones who break your heart are great teachers for you to self-heal and approach the next relationships without setting up unrealistic expectations upon others as to who they are to be for us. Rather in thinking selflessly in relationships, who can we be for our loved ones?
Relationships should have the sense of freedom in which all involved are free to be just as they are and together by choice. Not obligation, not expectations, not clingy.
The ones who leave you are great teachers for learning acceptance and releasing to let go. It can also serve as a lesson to choose yourself by learning lessons in self-love. Healing wounds of operating in a clingy, manipulative, and burdensome manner from the fear of abandonment.
The ones who jab at you and riles up your emotions are great teachers for making you aware of your inner issues that are being triggered for the need to confront and improve. In self-development, it can force you to apply compassion, kindness, and understanding to see them in a different light that tolerates them through love until it scars over to no longer rile you up. Or jab you enough to get that rise out of you to stand up for yourself, to speak up for yourself. Rile you up to have you work through to grow in emotional maturity.
The ones who hurt you the deepest, regardless if intentionally or not, are great teachers for you to free yourself from your own prison of bitterness and resentments through forgiveness.
The ones who give it to you straight and hold you fiercely accountable are great teachers to show you the kind of love that forces you to be self-aware for the better of who you become.
The ones who stand by your side through thick and thin are great teachers of the existence of unbreakable bonds forged in true loyalty, respect, and regard - offering a sense of unshakable support and unconditional love along the way.
May you learn from every relationship that is impactful to your life's journey.
Their impact is not to be measured in a timeframe, but rather in the valuable lessons they brought into your life just at the right time and in the right amount of time for you to have learned what was needed. And may you contribute to their lives by being just as you are, so they too may learn the lessons necessary for their growth.
With LOVE. Always,