It's a novel thought to be in such an elevated, position of power as a King or Queen. I think it's a form of flattery to envision the glamorous depiction of being seated on the throne, adorned in jewels and precious metals, clothed in the finest of silks and velvets.
Yet, it takes strength of character to sit on such an elusive throne as the reality is that there were constant wars, scheming - struggles to secure it from being overthrown and usurped.

Occasionally, and to simplify - I pretty much clean "thrones" as a part of the industry I work in, to then come home and sit pretty well enough on my throne, to contribute financially as a provider for my little family.
That is -
I clean toilets from time to time in my day job but also direct the cleaning of these thrones, switching gears from being both at the top and bottom of the pristining of the throne-ship. And as lowly as this job may seem, it will keep you humbly dignified to know that it is the most essential of jobs that is needed to be fulfilled well for the sense of cleanliness - for one of the most private matters a person naturally performs for bodily release and wellness.
I find the quote admirable from a janitor cleaning the floors at NASA.
The President then casually asked the janitor what he did for NASA, and the janitor replied, “I’m helping put a man on the moon.” ( "The Janitor Who Helped Put a Man on the Moon", From The Green Notebook )
This simple statement said a thousand more profoundly unspoken words as he not only dignified and honored himself in his role that others would see as being at the bottom, but he saw it in the bigger picture of his role contributing to the whole of the mission.
His duty literally had people walk all over his work on the daily, just for him to trail after their steps to have it shiny again. But he took pride in his work to fulfill it with the humility that came from understanding the impact of his role.
I work for everything that I have and the life that I live. I have the luxury to make the decisions that are best suited for my soul because I work for it. I am very thankful to be in a position to be a working mom with a very unique opportunity that allows me to also do so from home. It is empowering to be a provider for my children and having the financial freedom as a woman to have my own finances to choose to save meticulously, or splurge when it suits my fancy.
A strong work ethic to show up and execute your skills set to perform will be the key for success in anything you work at in life. It's especially on those tough days where you would rather be in bed, wallow in self-pity over your challenges, or excuse yourself to skip - that the strength of your work ethic will be needed to pull through. Show up.
I have had days that I was slumped on the floor crying to myself. Not knowing if I could get back up and get through another day. I have carried tremendous pressure where I have had to learn to bend so as to not break. I have had days where I did not think I could make it, did not think I would make it. I have been tired, I have been overwhelmed, I have been achy in all my parts, I have been stretched thin, I have been maxed out for weeks without end. But I allowed myself to have my good set of cries, and got back up and got right to it.
Just show up. Not only for yourself to continually develop inner qualities needed to succeed, but for others who are relying upon you to fulfill your role for the whole of the mission.
Wherever you are at, it is important to apply yourself as you are developing and gaining skills that no one can take from you, as it will become a part of how you operate and perform - taking this to then apply as you advance. Do your part as it works for the greater good and function of what you are working at and for.
Don't be too proud to work from the bottom up, for you will gift yourself well-rounded experience in your field of work. It will only enhance your leadership role when you do make your way up and reach the top if that is your goal you aspire to achieve. Or make you exemplary in your position should you choose to stay right where you are at.
Don't operate as if any kind of honest work is beneath you, for you never know what valuable lessons or experiences can be derived from doing "lowly" work, background work, or undesirable work - as it's work! And if you're getting paid to do it, then it is a fair trade of duties performed to be compensated for, and that compensation means you get to go home to a house, you get to pay your bills, feed your family, and save another dollar towards your Target shopping spree!
So whatever work you do - do it well and excel for the development of your skills set, for the benefit of the company, for the fulfillment of what you are entrusted to perform, and in the gratitude of what it compensates you to be able to provide for those you are responsible for.
Scoot a bun hun! Let us keep working hard so we can go home to sit on our thrones with a golden goblet of something extra.
With LOVE. Always,