Go ahead, don't be afraid.
Make mistakes.
You're going to anyways, it's part of the learning experience for us humans.

I used to beat myself up and take it as such a hard hit when I made a mistake because I would try so hard to get it right and do it right and to then end up screwing it up right. It felt like all my efforts were in vain just to end up failing at getting it "right" and can be taken personal to feel like you are unqualified, incapable, or worse, worthless.
Then, you suffer your own embarrassment and shame about it, and perhaps coupled with others witnessing your mistakes to then solicit their opinions, suggestions, and judgments about the matter.
It can feel like you're analyzed under a microscope. It can create a fear to make mistakes, especially when in the public eye - whether that literally entails a crowd of strangers who can toss out judgment without even knowing you, or close family and friends who might give input that really strikes your core on a personal level.
But, you are human.
And that is the beauty of mistakes is to remind you that you are simply learning, and mistakes are the markers to gauge what you still need to learn, still need to work on, still need to make improvements. It is the risk you take when taking those necessary risks that will add to your treasure trove of experiences, your adventures of living your life to the full.
When you honor your mistakes by viewing it as education as you are undergoing personal development, then it's really not so bad as all you have to do is pick yourself back up and stumble on forward - to the next mistake.
May you understand that your mistakes are not to define you, but rather - to refine you.
They key to allowing mistakes to do its job in refining you - is to be willing to hold yourself accountable for those mistakes, to take it to heart to learn from them, and apply the education to better yourself so as to mindfully not repeat such a mistake.
You are but a raw diamond in development to be refined through the mistakes you learn and grow from, smoothing those rough edges into the diamond you are to become.
With LOVE. Always,