Life is not just black and white. Neither is it a neutral gray. It is full of as much color as we choose to courageously live it.
When we mark people, situations, or experiences to certain labels, we restrict growth.
We write it off as final - limiting the ability to understand it after transformation, evolving. Whether the transformation is of the person or situation evolving through growth, or of our own perception and understanding of it.
Becoming open and accepting to seeing it in color. Beyond limiting labels.

I once sat in my darkness of postpartum depression. The fear of being defined by this illness seized me up and had me waste so much energy warring against it. Yet, this fear was also the very reason I found my breakthrough to push that much harder against it to not allow depression to define me and incapacitate my ability to be well, to feel anything like myself, and live life to the full again.
Labels confine a person or situation of whatever it is they are going through or perceived as, at that moment. Closing out an experience and writing it off as "bad" or "negative". It does not allow the opinion to change as such a person or situation has the capacity to evolve and expand in who they are or what it becomes.
I used to look at my "negative" experiences in the light of the trauma. To coddle myself in feeling like a victim to my experiences. It took years to where my perception of that particular experience that once held me in the prison of fear, anxieties, and the bleeding wounds of trauma, are now what I see as beautiful in having strengthened me in knowledge and experience for where I am now at in my life, having gained the tools to apply them presently. By having sat in the bondage of those fears, it has helped to approach my life courageously, more fearlessly.
I no longer define anyone or anything to a certain label. Labels merely serve as a guide to understanding someone or something, but we must use our own critical thinking to then make sense of them. Also giving that room that they or it is bound to change in growth or the unfolding of understanding, or the truth coming to the surface.
I do not define myself by my period of depression.
I do not define myself even as just a mother.
I do not define myself by my profession.
I do not define myself as just a writer.
I do not define myself by my physical vessel.
I do not define myself by the lifestyle I choose to live.
I do not define myself to any labels as I am bound to change and evolve in my growth. I have pleasantly surprised myself by how unconventional I have chosen to live my life that is a cumulation of the choices made along the way as I have transformed.
Everything that I am in this moment serves as a representation of who I am, at this moment.
I don't even think there are enough labels out there to described me into a box.
In living without a definition, I free myself to just BE. Me. As I am in these moments of my life.
Labels best serve us finding our gift box waiting to be received and open to the infinite possibilities of what could be inside.
Surprise yourself with ripping that label off and determining what's truly inside for yourself, and do justice to the person or situation you are trying to make sense of. Seeing it in full color for all that it is, rather than in the confinements of black and white.
With LOVE. Always,