What comes to mind when I think of the beauty of our soul differences is that we are "the spice of life". Some spices are subtle and others a good bam! to your tastebuds. Some are used sparingly but sprinkled in every dish like salt and pepper, others might douse a dish chocked-full of its tasty health benefits like garlic. The key is, every spice or seasoning is a necessary and appreciated staple in its own right to add its dose in creating depth of flavor.
When we come to see others and accept them for who they truly are, we recognize how different we are to them and they to us, and yet it's those very differences that when we value what each brings to the table, we see how vital each spice is to contribute to the flavor of the whole.
Think of the body.
The head is the "face" of your soul and tends to get the most attention and carries much weight in being at the front lines of whatever comes your way in sight, hearing, and speaking for the whole body. But travel down to that wee little pinkie toe that is hidden within a layer of protective socks and shoes, this little guy plays a major role in keeping the body upright and in balance so that head of yours can sit pretty way up top. We all need one another just as that head so needs your little pinkie toe to maintain balance and harmony in functioning as a whole.
We are all made to serve different functions. Rather than be envious of the abilities of another, we should be grateful for what we are given and focus on mastering what the purpose of our abilities are so that we can do our part to complement the efforts of everyone else. When we each do our part, no matter how big or small the role, we are all working towards the same goal of rooting for the success for everyone.
From another perspective, be glad for whatever role you have, especially if it is a smaller, more background role like Mr. Pinkie Toe, for this is what you were made for as you were not made to be the head that carries so much weight and must literally face the brunt of the external world around you. If Mr. Pinkie Toe vied for the attentions of the head and tried to make its way to such a top, that pinkie toe is bound to get out of whack and start stumbling to and fro, tripping up the whole body and down goes that head and the entire body...
All for what? To try and be something it is not and not meant to be.
So, what does it mean to truly honor our differences?
Honor means to dignify those differences in truly accepting them, appreciating them, and incorporating such differences to balance the areas where we may personally be in lack.
Differences offer wider perspectives, greater horizons for growth and development, and might be the dose we need to adopt new ways of doing things for smoother operations. Differences challenge us to expand our perspectives, perhaps even think better, be better, and reach new heights in understanding others and learning how to mesh those differences into working together.
When we all do our part, it lends to a team, operations, or organization functioning as a whole - one cannot fully be effective without the others contributing their spice to the blend.
Know your spice so you can then offer your specific flavor that we can all savor together. Mmm...
With LOVE. Always,