We give our power away when we allow others to manipulate our understanding or perception of a matter. We allow them to think for us.
Everyone has their own perception that can be clouded out by their own belief systems, their conditioning, their unhealed traumas, or even of their own agenda - in such a case, you may hand yourself over to be a pawn within their game to mislead you and have you spread such wildfire in ignorance for not having your own critical thinking ability.
There are those whose perception is built on believing their own lies, thinking that their version is the truth and telling others in a factual way that spreads such false or misperceived storylines - bringing harm to the reputation or true understanding of a person or situation.
In my own experience, out of a sense of loyalty and also having my emotions played upon by a close confidante, I foolishly did not think for myself - my only thought for myself was to blindly be this person's protector and loyal sidekick. I began to hate who this person hated and judge according to their hateful perception. Never having met such a person that was the target of their hate.
Sitting in this perception fed into my ears to eat it up and by feasting on such false perceptions, I thus wronged this unknown person without even ever knowing them personally, to ever give them the chance to be or show me otherwise.
And the danger is that even if you come to get to know this person, your perception is likely already tainted to see from the other person's lens and cherry pick the details that make their painting of such a person true. You become an investigator of lies and false perceptions.
By allowing others to think for you - you will be looking for the lies planted in your vision board, so that you are blind to the very truth right in front of you. If only you would put your mind to it and think your own version to be true.
This is how hate and ugliness spreads. Others misleading others, perhaps even intentionally deceptive with their illusions, and even worse, thinking they are spreading the truth as they have convinced themselves of their own lies. They may leave out key details that then leaves the listener to assume whatever is logical to fill in the gaps, and insert such false information to then confuse it as the truth.
Critical thinking for oneself is vital to shatter such illusions -
1 | You respect yourself enough to think for yourself, form your own opinions, and come to have your own perception. Able to stand on your own, secure with your self-accountability for what you come to think, believe, and conclude.
2 | You show yourself to be self-led in seeking and knowing the truth, for yourself.
3 | You refuse to entertain gossip as it only wastes your precious time and energy that is better put to use in being productive in living your best life.
The older and wiser one becomes, the realization that time is of the essence and a most valuable commodity, a luxury to have - will have the wise one more selective as to how they use their time. You won't have the time or care to meddle in the personal affairs of others, nor will you be interested in wasting time over trivial matters that are a mere drama.
When you are busy living your life, you will be in a place that is focused, productive, and thus selective with what you fill your life and mind with. Busy living your own life well that you do not have the time to be looking at another's to judge, criticize, or break down.
May you find yourself of a strong mind, willing and able to think for yourself so as to use your own thinking ability to lead your life.
With LOVE. Always,