I know, call us crazy as I tell you this shaking my own head at myself, but we have moved every year for the past five years since welcoming each of our kids. In anticipation of another child meant making the gradual increases for the necessity of adequate living space as our family grew. I feel so crazy like my life as a parent is imitating my childhood exasperation of one move after another and I'm turning into my parents! Ahhh! We must and we will stop this pattern soon because I vow to not frustrate my kiddos as I had felt growing up! And here I am to tell you that it has been quite a few days of changes, as we have moved yet again, but into a much needed and so thankfully timely bigger place and my nesting ways have kicked in as we have found out that another, and hopefully last... little munchkin is on the way!
I have mixed feelings about being pregnant..again. After my two, the possibility of having a third was actually quite okay with me should it happen.. I just didn't think it would happen. I love my kiddos and I think to myself, "Well, what's another one to love and snuggles of another sweet bundle of baby again?" I fully intend to soak up and revel in the smallness of my newborn and make a concentrated effort to enjoy what I hope to be the last time I have a little baby.. until the grand-babies arrive which will be all that I hope for in return for loving my own trio to the moon and back, so we can shower their babies with snuggles all over again.
Just when my two are at an age where I was beginning to think of life after being a stay-at-home mom, and either going back to work or doing something creatively, here I am having to rethink and accept the next few years are still going to be sore nipples, changing diapers, potty training, and endless array of spills to be had. I know, I know... "don't cry over spilled milk." Initially, my husband was the one overcome with feelings of happiness and excitement, whereas, I am still trying to accept that I'm not only having to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, but the splitting of myself open yet again.. But I know I will love this baby as I have more in me to give, and all my fears and nervousness will be quelled by the time the baby is born, especially when my feelings are no longer clouded by the miserable nausea that has overtaken me these days.
So, at the moment, I honestly feel more anxious than I do feel super excited about having a third as I know it means more financial expenses, bigger car, bigger home, pretty much bigger and more of almost everything. Two seems so doable with our life as it is, but a third makes me feel like it's turning our home life upside down with having to rethink everything from adequate living space to having a car big enough just to tote everyone around for doctor's visits. Road trips from here on out, as our chances are pretty much shot with affording airplane tickets for travel. Someone out there must have "been there, done that" with multiple kids in tow, hence the beauty of bunk beds and minivans! I got all the heart I need for the love to go around, now I just need to figure out how to grow another arm, a set of watchful eyes for the back of my head, and a larger bloodstream capacity for all the caffeine I'll be inhaling to be on the go, go, go. Or I just need to figure out how to afford a live-in body double. hmm...
But, as life is just a big adjustment with the turn of events, we will adjust and we will embrace and love our life with an added bundle of joy. I know my sweet babies will be the best-est older brother and sister... my oldest already had a dream this morning that we were home with a little baby brother and "it was a cute one!" he says... so it's clear what's been on Twiggy Brother's mind these days as he's already dreaming up what's to come for our little family. And soon-to-be big Twiggy Sister is already very nurturing and melts when she see all things baby, so I'm sure she'd even do the breastfeeding if I don't whip the nip out there fast enough.
So, here's to round three! I have a good nine months to rejig myself for all things newborn baby and prepare for a triple-span snugglefest of love.
With LOVE. Always,